Dr. Lazarus likes to see patients every week or two. Because he ALWAYS assigns homework, he likes to give the patients some time between visits, so that they can think about the problem and practice the methods he teaches them. He wants them to let these new ideas “marinate in their minds.”
Of course, if the problem is time-sensitive, such as someone with bedwetting who is going on an overnight trip soon, he will see those individuals more frequently.
Prior to the COVID, pandemic, on average, patients would fly in once a month, and spend a week with Dr. Lazarus. During those times, he would meet with them on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Because Dr. Lazarus screens his patients carefully, they typically do quite well.
More Medical Hypnosis FAQs
1. Is medical hypnosis covered by my insurance?
3. How long does it take to learn self-hypnosis?