Jeffrey E. Lazarus, MD, FAAP is a board-certified pediatrician who combines more than 25 years of general pediatrics experience with the use of medical hypnosis and visualization techniques to treat children and adults. He now practices in Menlo Park, California.
Dr. Lazarus completed his pediatric residency at Stanford University Medical Center and practiced general pediatrics in Cleveland, where he was also an Associate Clinical Professor at Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital.
In 1999, Dr. Lazarus, began special training in medical hypnosis to address issues not effectively treated by traditional medicine. He then changed his practice from general pediatrics to treating specialized pediatric and adult issues with medical hypnosis and TEAM-CBT.
Today, Dr. Jeffrey Lazarus, is one of only 8 pediatricians and one of 52 medical doctors in the U.S. certified as Approved Consultants by The American Society of Clinical Hypnosis.
He maintains an active speaking schedule, educating medical staffs and parent groups throughout the US about the benefits of medical hypnosis. He also teaches other clinicians hypnosis techniques nationally and internationally.
“While I focus on pediatric conditions, I do see adult patients as well. No matter what their ages, I show each patient how to manage their conditions through medical hypnosis, often called self-hypnosis,” says Dr. Lazarus.
“After an initial consultation, if I think medical hypnosis can help them, and they are open to it, we begin treatment for their condition.
Often after just 2 or 3 visits, dramatic improvement can be seen. It’s very empowering, and the results usually last a lifetime.
As you will see in the videos on this website, during medical hypnosis, each patient is led through a series of guided imagery/visualization exercises that leave him or her feeling safe, relaxed and alert.
What I practice is not the stereotypical hypnosis portrayed in movies and Las Vegas stages,” he adds. “Rather than merely taking a temporary pill, my patients learn a lifetime skill.”
Dr. Lazarus became interested in medical hypnosis as a patient himself. After trying traditional therapies for plantar warts without success, he recalled that one of his five-year-old patients had rid himself of hundreds of warts on the backs of his hands with self-hypnosis.
Dr. Lazarus contacted Karen Olness, M.D., Professor of Pediatrics at Case Western Reserve School of Medicine. She was also co-author of the premier book in the field of pediatric hypnotherapy, Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy with Children.
Dr. Olness taught Dr. Lazarus the technique of self-hypnosis, and within three weeks, his own warts disappeared – never to return.
Since then, Dr. Lazarus has studied intensively with some of the most renowned experts in the field of medical hypnosis and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and he has applied the techniques he has learned to help hundreds of children, as well as adults, overcome personal difficulties.
He has also lectured on this topic to the:
• American Academy of Pediatrics
• International Children’s Continence Society
• International Continence Society
• Division of Urology at Stanford University Medical Center
• Division of Pediatric Urology at Oregon Health and Sciences University
• Division of Pediatric Urology at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
• The Dubai Paediatric Society in Dubai, UAE
Dr. Lazarus combines more than 25 years in general pediatrics with a 24-year medical hypnosis practice.
Hypnosis for bedwetting has been a special focus as of late for Dr. Lazarus, with the release of his bedwetting video Keeping the Bed Dry.
Dr. Lazarus has also created Controlling Your Gut Feelings, for patients with irritable bowel syndrome, abdominal pain, and digestive issues.
If you or your child has an issue you would like to discuss with Dr. Lazarus, please contact him for a free consultation.