Rather than merely taking a temporary pill, individuals learn a lifetime skill. This is very empowering. It shows people that they have the ability and power to gain control over their bodies and life challenges. This raises self-esteem and awareness, builds confidence, and gives a sense of mastery and hope. Plus, it’s fun! And, there are no side effects!
Jeffrey Lazarus, MD, FAAP, is a board certified, Stanford-trained pediatrician in Menlo Park specializing in the use of medical hypnosis (also known as clinical hypnosis) to treat issues not always effectively managed with traditional medicine, such as bedwetting and anxiety. He is one of only 8 pediatricians and one of 52 medical doctors in the U.S. certified as Approved Consultants by The American Society of Clinical Hypnosis. Dr. Lazarus combines more than 25 years of general pediatrics and a 24-year medical hypnosis practice.ess, builds confidence, and gives a sense of mastery and hope. Plus, it’s fun! And, there are no side effects!
More Medical Hypnosis FAQs
2. What myths exist about medical hypnosis?
3. What is the difference between medical hypnosis and biofeedback?