Tics & Habit Disorders

Do or Do Not…There is No Try

How This Unique Approach For Treating Hard-To-Solve Conditions Is Different From Anything Else You’ve Tried “Do…or do not.  There is no try.” This iconic quote is from Yoda, in Star Wars Episode V:  The Empire Strikes Back. * And it

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Back to School with Tics & Tourette Syndrome

In previous years, the summer always seemed to have passed too quickly. This year, with the pandemic and the Delta variant, many students are actually glad that summer is over and are excited to get back to in-person schooling.  Their

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What is Vocal Cord Dysfunction?

Vocal Cord Dysfunction (VCD), or Paradoxical Vocal Fold Movement (PVFM), occurs when the vocal cords close instead of open when we breathe in. It is very common among high school athletes, and is often triggered by performance anxiety on the

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